This game is so fricking awesome man, i love everything about it. I love the simple controls, you wouldn't think a single attack for each button would work but for this game it does, it's simple and fun and i don't think it needs that many more attacks, it makes the game feel unique and fun. The roster selection is pretty great as well, lots of people i admire in there and people i really need to start following cuz they seem really cool. And man, the music, all the songs in here are pretty funky, specially in the FNF stage, that one has got to be my fav song in the game. The only issues i found so far is that the game is a bit too floaty, i think the floatiness adds to the experience but at times it gets waaaaay too jumpy, i would tone down the gravity a bit, not much tho, the other issue i found is that you can get stuck in some of the platforms, specially on the Ninja Hell stage, but other than that i don't think it really ruins the experience that much. I really loved playing this and it reminded me that i really need to get more involved in the NG community to meet more awesome people in it, y'all did a great job on this masterpiece and i can't wait to see the updates you'll bring to it, specially the campaign, and i can't wait to see what you all work on in the future, i know they will be great and fun projects just like this one